This was a really interesting video. That connection of Jews to Catholicism, wow.

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Just a coincidence that the video is 1:11:11

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It's interesting that's your takeaway.

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I don’t have time to listen to the video, but the written account seems to suggest that Jewish conversos were all de facto Jesuit Satanists. There was an expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain in 1492. Those who wanted to remain in Spain had to convert to Catholicism. Many did. A small fraction may have gone to the New World. but I doubt it was the conversos alone who were tasked with slaughtering the natives which is what this account suggests.

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All youtube videos have transcripts; it takes just a few minutes to read through those.

Doubt is what is preventing most people from accepting reality. Reality is different than what it's been presented to be.

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10 minutes in. It makes no sense...

"Devout Roman Catholic families do not have "Levitical-priesthood bloodlines." That is Jewish. No such thing in Roman Catholicism.

Dad became "Christian" and then knocked up a 16 y.o. oooookkkay. He says "I had teenaged parents." and they lived in exile.

"Mom's father's Mom [the Native American side of his family] was heavily involved in the occult and witchcraft...i think she was in a coven". Seriously, this is not Catholicism.

"My family has been selected to get top-secret...blah, blah, blah".

Dates. This guy needs to give dates. His family is satanic if what he is saying is true, not devout Catholic. He is talking "inversion". By publishing his story Mr. Duval, you are risking your own credibility. I can not encourage you enough to seek real truth. I am bailing at 16:00 because this man is obviously stuck on an ego trip that your attention feeds. You seem like you are trying to promote a new idea of Christ's church. Be careful, you could lead souls to perdition. You are walking a dangerous path. Pray pray pray for the truth to reveal itself to you.

This Romero guy is full of ideas of

He begins by saying his "spanish dad" and "native american mom"

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Some of us are ready for concepts that have not been published in a textbook, and some are not. You're not. If you're interested, read up until it does start to make sense. This, for you, is just more advanced than you're ready for at the moment. Try my free book, it'll give you a bit more of a basis.

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How and where can we get access? Thank you!

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Go to the "An Illuminati Primer" tab and choose the free PDF.

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Thank you!! Heaven help me it looks like a very insightful and well researched home run.

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Jesuits have taken over the United States government! Go look at where mist of our leaders in government and our judicial system went to college. They're all Jesuit trained and are all pretty much Catholic. They are the ones destroying our Constitution and our judicial system. The Pope is in control of all of them, including the Rockefeller's and the Rothschilds. We will see another Dark Ages in our lifetime. Except this one will usher in the 2nd coming of Jesus. The US and the Vatican are working together to control the world.

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Sounds like you didn't read my book. It's more complicated than you're making it out to be, and the Jesuits are just part of the whole picture, not the only part of the picture. There are 3 popes, not just one, and the pope is definitely not in control of all. It's darker than human beings being in control. It's important to understand the background. The books is free in PDF form:


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I don’t need to read your book. I have the word of God and history. It’s that simple!

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The word of God doesn't outline the modern-day Brotherhood. I love the Bible, but it's not a complete guide to everything. Neither are the history books you've read.

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Read the book “The Great Controversy!”

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Sure. Soon as you read my book!!

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I started to watch this the other day, as I follow Dan, but something repelled me. I will persevere and watch again, but I came across this video today which analyses the current Zionist political push to fulfil End time events, the deep but hidden involvement of the house Speaker, Jim Jordan, Ron de Santis and more, the red heifer sacrifices, rebuilding of the temple, and the Daniel prophecy. Very enlightening indeed, including the Argentinian president and Bibi's relationship. They believe events are still fully under the control of The Vatican, hence why it links to this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwjTr8KOp1Q

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The vatican is fully under the control of other groups; they're not the highest level, even though many think they are. Did you know that many members of the Holy See are also members of the Sanhedrin? And the Order of Melchizedek? And are high-level Freemasons? Once you figure out who controls all of those groups, you'll understand that Zionists are only a part of the whole picture. This is one key the world needs to get--Zionists don't control it all, they're pawns in a much larger game.

I recommend praying for protection before you try to watch Dan's vid again, I have a good prayer on my website here: https://veronicaswift.blog/daily-prayer-for-spiritual-protection-over-self-home-and-ministry/ which, even though it's geared to ministry, covers spiritual protection well. Adapt it as needed for your use.

I'll take a look at your link, thanks.

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I've got the impression that Pelosi visits the Pope to deliver Masonic instructions to him. Their Masonic handshakes suggest that Pelosi is superior to the Pope. I assume at bottom it's a monolithic conspiracy.

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The Jesuits did not come into existence until 1535 I believe. Formed by a marrano or converso ignatius de Loyola. Society of Jesus IHS (isis Horus and Seb). Loyola was also an Alumbrado or illuminated one. A Jewish secret society runs the Vatican.

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Exactly this, people are so desperate to allocate blame elsewhere.

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The Great Expulsion was in 1492...Jesuits formed in 1540 just sayin...

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The Great Expulsion was in 1492...Jesuits formed in 1540 just sayin...

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The Great Expulsion was in 1492...Jesuits formed in 1540 just sayin...

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Why would parents not take their children on a missionary trip ?

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Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits was part Basque and Jewish...

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On a related topic, where is Kerth Barker’s website?

His book has KerthBarker.com but it won’t come up. Weird.

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