If you venture in to learning about the occult, you will come across the term “programming” as a fundamental and integrative part of the perpetuation of bloodline families training. These families enroll their children in programs that teach and train the children through various means to keep the occult practices and principles embedded in each generation and passed-along without pushback. Programming is a form of extreme compliance training.
Programming ensures that children’s bodies and minds literally cannot fight back, have a unique thought and follow-through, or resist. They brain becomes like a computer that is triggered to run a program. Give the correct cue, and the program will be automatically started, run, and completed.
Historically, programming involved a lot of physical torture.
These days, programming can be sound or light generated, or what some have called "harmonic” programming. Apparently, harmonic programming is very difficult to break.
Generational bloodline occult families used to be the only ones targeted for programming. The advent of television, radio, cell phones and computers has changed all of that. Now, programming is for everyone.
Dr. Jack Kruse details in this 4+ hour long podcast some of the modern ways that programming is being done to not just occultists, but to the entire population at large.
While there is a tremendous amount of information in this podcast (and I might return to it for a future article), for this article I want to focus on the blue light spectrum.
You may have noticed a shift in overhead lighting in big box stores like Costco. The lights have gone from a more balanced color spectrum to a very blue or cool light spectrum. Computer screens and cell phone screens, tablets, video games, and televisions are also now painfully blue. The new MacGyver television show, the new Hawaii 5-O series, and probably many more now are bathed in a blue hue that is unmistakable. The background of the screens of pretty much every device is blue.
Because this light wavelength makes you programmable. Now, the occult families have the ability to enslave the masses of people who are not generational occultists, as well as their own families. And they don’t have to know you, or even touch you.
Blue light messes with the chemical dopamine in your brain.
Once bathed in blue light wavelengths, you are more passive, more compliant, and less likely to resist or fight back.
You know what else it can do? It can also make you fat, by destroying the leptin-melanocortin pathways in your body. The rapid rise of obesity in the US is astonishing. How much is due to increased screen time in schools, at work, and at home? I’m not going to describe leptin or how it works in your body. Suffice it to say it’s directly related to hunger and satiation.
It gets worse. It’s not just blue light wavelengths that mess with us, it’s also non-native EMF (electromagnetic frequencies), including fluorescent, halogen, LED and other non-incandescent light bulbs, microwaves, and other frequencies.
Who tried to get rid of incandescent light bulbs in the USA? President Barack Obama in 2017. President Trump rolled-back some of Obama’s regulations, but it’s still mighty difficult to get a hold of an incandescent light bulb in the United States. I used to be able to find chandelier bulbs that were incandescent, now they are all LED. Appliance bulbs are still incandescent, but they’re not long-use, they tend to blow quickly. Getting rid of incandescent bulbs, which have red-spectrum healing light frequencies, was billed as an energy savings. The truth of it is, the occultists (of which Obama is one, a high-ranking one at that) want to program the masses and make us docile, compliant, and fat. They don’t like human beings. Some refer to us as “human cattle.”1 These are the people that literally run the world.
Because incandescent bulbs not only have fake blue light, but they also have purple and red, which is what you need as the antidote to blue. They were banned, yeah? Well, they the first ban was from Obama saying we're gonna get rid of these under the guise that they're not energy efficient because they burn too much. You probably remember when you're a little kid, you touch the incandescent bulb, it's hot as shit. Yeah. Well, the proxy that they're using to you is, oh well, they burn too much energy because they have UV light and red light in it, and that makes heat. So therefore we should get rid of that do blue but you have no idea that DARPA and the government already want blue light everywhere so they can control you with it. That's the real answer behind this whole program.
-Jack Kruse
So, DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration, an arm of the US Military, is in on it too. Not surprising, given that the occult has infiltrated the military to a very large degree. If the occult wants to hamstring their own defense, instituting blue light is a good way to make people unfit for duty. Too fat to serve, as it were.
Why fat? Because it’s hard to get much productive done in life if you’re fat. You also pay into, and use a lot of pharmaceutical interventions. Big Pharma is run by occultists. As Jack says, some of this is about money. The rest is about control. And make no mistake, the occultists are big on control.
Meta (parent company of Facebook) and Google (parent company Alphabet, Inc.) own the patents for blue light screen technology. Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy’s vice-presidential running mate in the 2024 US Presidential Elections, was the patent attorney at Google who put through all the patents for these blue light screen technologies.
Bobby Kennedy might want to remove red and yellow food dyes from your Froot Loops, but I’ve yet to hear him complain about the obesity-producing properties of blue-spectrum LED lights.
Do you know when the baby gets all the subcutaneous fat, the last trimester? Do you know what controls that? Leptin in the placenta sends only blue light to the baby, subtracts out UV and red. You know, those bio photons we talked about? It's fattening the baby up so that it can heal its brain after it comes out of the vagina. Because, guess what, if it had a fully formed brain, it wouldn't fit out the vagina. So when you begin to see that nature actually does have some insight about why everybody's getting fat now, it's because everybody's being f**king tech abused by the industrial military complex.
-Jack Kruse
If you’re fat, they can drug you, with Ozempic, for example. But it’s expensive. So who wants to lower the expense for you? Elon Musk, who also grew up in the occult.
According to Kruse, the “get you fat with blue light and then get you on Ozempic” was planned long in advance of the time we’re in right now. Curiouser and Curiouser.
(Note: Ozempic is one of many GLP Inhibitors)
For a good story on elite occultists referring to humans as cattle, read the first part of Kerth Barker’s book Cannibalism, Blood Drinking and High Adept Satanism.
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