It took me quite a bit to grasp this (even after seeing it in print and in video from a few different individuals), but there are quite a few individuals who can see, with their own eyes, things the rest of us can’t see. They’re called “seers” or individuals who have the gift of seeing in the spirit realm. Spiritual gifts. I’m not so sure it’s a gift, sometimes it seems to me it might be more of a curse than a gift, but I find it fascinating learning about folks that have the gift of sightedness in dimensions, or realms, or.. heavenly places, whatever you want to call them.
I once asked someone who has this gift if they saw any heavenly beings around me. Their answer coincided with what I suspected already. The vividness and activity with which the spirit world seems to be surrounding us all the time is astonishing, and hearing about what others see can be very intriguing.
This gent, Micah Turnbo, sees angels, and visions, and communicates with beings in the spirit world all the time.
One of the things I found disgusting, and reforming, was Micah’s description of how gossip in the physical world translates to in the spirit world.
Interviewer: which also speaks about how bad gossip is because that's the opposite of releasing what God says about somebody your in people with your words
Micah: absolutely gossip is vomit that comes out of our mouths and demons come in and drink it
Interviewer: gross
Micah: literally I've seen circles happen and demons will go under there and hold their mouths open and drink it and they go and they throw it up on the person and they attached itself to him
Interviewer: wow
Gossip is like vomit that demons drink. That really puts a whole new spin on it. I don’t think I would personally like to witness that, but I appreciate knowing about it.
I can imagine that there are some people who might like to have this gift. Not me, but I can imagine some wanting to see angels, or demons, or even Jesus as Micah claims to have. Psychedelic drugs can open you up to the spirit world, and perhaps to even seeing in the spirit world, I think that’s one reason they are used.
Micah classifies accessing the spirit world through drugs as “illegal” access, and says that it opens the individual up to demonic attachments or negative results. Don’t do it, is his advice.
Speaking in tongues or singing in the spirit (not sure what singing in the spirit is exactly…) are two ways to legally access the spirit world without the negative consequences, according to Micah.
I imagine seeing in the spirit world can be both advantageous and not. I’m not sure that lacking in the spiritual vision is a disadvantage overall, especially with the stories that someone like Micah can tell us. I can “see” vicariously through his eyes, and it’s about as much as I can handle.
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Oh Man! This brought back such a vivid memory for me! It was my "in between" phase where I was more into the universe and crystals and less about God. I remember in therapy once, my therapist was talking about my relationship with God.
He told me he was a therapist at a prison and during an assessment once, his patient was drawing something the whole time. At the end of the session, he looked at the drawing and was told... "the demon in the corner of the room has been here this whole time"
I am so thankful that no matter how much I partied or what drugs I have done... that I never "pierced that veil." I don't know if I could handle seeing such monsters!
Wow!! Thank you so much for sharing. I’ve never had an experience like I just did after reading your blog and watching the video you attached. I immediately began to internally shake (best way to describe) and cry, and I’m not sure why. I then started to pray, and there are no words to describe the emotion I felt. I could see and understand what God is doing with my life and the things I currently have going on. It was the most fulfilling and joyous thing that filled my whole being. I prob sound a bit silly rambling on at this point. lol. But, I just wanted to thank you. I felt Jesus telling me I should share it.❤️