Joe Mercola came out with this article today. “Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists” reads the title.
No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t shock anybody who’s had a minuscule amount of training in molecular biology, immunology, cancer biology, genetics, microbiology, or anything short of zoology.
Mercola references this video:
In the comments of the above video is the Nobel-Prize-winning notation:
‘They knew. And they knew it well. Nobody becomes a molecular biologist/immunology PhD without knowing these details.”
She’s 100% correct. They all knew—and they knew it before they ever rolled out this “vaccine” (which is federally regulated under “gene therapy” and not “vaccine” status).
“It’s like a mechanic forgetting to tighten the wheel nuts,” says this next person.
And the clincher—“In this case it’s more like four tires without lugs (lug nuts). And not just one mechanic, but MANY mechanics inspecting the tires of the car, and not seeing, saying or doing anything.”
They all knew. It was the elephant in the room.
What did they know?
They knew in 2004 that the spike protein was a poison/toxin.
They knew that inserting code via stabilized RNA into your body that it a) wouldn’t stay in the arm b) wouldn’t be harmless and c) could, and would get into the nuclear DNA and have the potential to harm you and your unborn children for the rest of your lives. They also knew it could be genetically passed to your child.
They knew that they were using a known cancer accelerator in the mix, as well.
“Here, let me inject these known poison instructions with a turbo-cancer accelerator into you” is how they should have marketed it. They knew.
They ALL walked around with the lugnuts in their pockets, weilding the wrenches over their heads DARING us!
Thank you for this succinct break down/dissemination of information pertinent to the war being waged against us by our own government/medical industrial complex.